For Philippe Petit

“My life is boring,” you shout. “Boooooring!” “Sure it is,” I say. “Judging by the way your arms stretch over your empty desk, head banging against it, your boredom measures exactly 220 cm. That's bad. What do you want?” “I want her, the woman on wire,” you say, sobbing. “Everyday she balances on the rope that's rigged between her two balconies through her goddamn living room that it drives me crazy to know just how she does it. She always acts on her gut feeling, but only with view to making monstrously rational analyses of everything. Goddamn everything.” “Are you saying balconies? Like in that Romeo&Juliet thing of a tragi-comic-romantic play, written by that queer guy? Well, go ask him, then. He'll tell you: these days, it ain't about climbing ropes up the balconies or hair strands. It's all about descending. From a balloon. A red balloon. It's in the swing. Vroom, in through the glass door, landing straight onto her goddamn wire, leaving the silk behind, gliding straight between her legs, leaving her astonished. It's all about physics, man, and numbers! The whole of 220. Two plus two is four, and if you add the zero on top, now there is a number, glissando, and gaussian, the whole four-point formula for functions, the law of magnetism kissed on its legs.” “Oh, you're here,” she'll say. “Good, let's fill this desk with a lot of clutter, and chatter, and chiming glasses of wine. We'll have Gauss wrap the balloon and tie the rope.” Today boredom vanishes as we smell the gunpowder on our hands.

(Note: in 1968, when Philippe Petit got the idea to walk the tightrope between the, then as yet unbuilt, Twin Towers, this is what he said: “it's not about conquering the universe, but, as a poet, about conquering beautiful stages.”)


ana said…
Numele meu este Ana Zidarescu, redactor, editia online a ziarului Evenimentul Zilei. Caut romani stabiliti in strainatate pentru interviuri, in ideea de a promova diaspora romaneasca, tinerii romani şi experientele lor in lume, antreprenori, profesori, liber profesionisti etc. Daca esti de acord, nu ezita sa ma contactezi. Nu sunt in cautarea senzationalului, insa cred ca in spatele fiecarei povesti se poate ascunde ceva extrem de interesant pentru cititori. Fiecare are o poveste unica de relatat, pana la urma. Adresa mea de e-mail este
Pe 15 martie vom relansa site-ul, in care se afla si categoria Diaspora, dedicata romanilor din strainatate.
Asa ca daca te intereseaza sa-ti promovezi blogul, gratuit, ma poti contacta la adresa
Categoria Diaspora va fi relansata odata cu site-ul si va oferi, ca si pana acum, interviuri, stiri, articole si reportaje cu si despre romanii din lume.
Cred ca poate fi o oportunitate de promovare extrem de facila a site-ului tau si te va ajuta mult in cresterea notorietatii, avand in vedere ca avem peste un milion de cititori unici in fiecare luna. Astept un e-mail de la tine, indiferent de raspuns. Pe curand!
Camelia said…
Ana, no problem. Orice promovare a scrisului meu care deja e in domeniul public - si care nu cere nici un fel de angajament din partea mea, e binevenita. Merci de atentie si de intentie.

As they say: "I write for myself and strangers." It's all there, promote all you want, if it involves no hassle from me, which I really detest.

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