I could write about Norway every day. In fact, if I did, I would expect the Norwegians to make me their Poet Laureate on the spot. And for life too. I like everything about Norway, though my preference is for the high plateaus. This summer, however, I went for the lower ground. I’m in a cabin that can host 12 people at 300 meters altitude by the lake Nisser outside VrÃ¥dal. I always go for the big cabins because they are the only ones that come with the full luxury comfort. Space, space, and more space. I’m a space Nazi, I was once told. I can never have enough of it. This is what I always tell the Norwegians when I get the keys to the place, and when they realize that their premises are not going to be invaded by a bus full of a family circus. Yet, while the Norwegian men think: dumme danskere, (dumb Danes), their wives are better at understanding, and consequently nod in approval. They can also see why, once a year, when you’re on your vacation, you want to have more space than at your own place. You want to have a sauna, a Jacuzzi inside and outside, 6 bedrooms, (out of which two you use as walk-in closets), a huge porch, and a huge living-room – all isolated and on top of a mountain. All by yourself, with the chance of not seeing a soul for three weeks. Oh, such bliss! What more can one ask for? In such an environment you think your thoughts, also the crazy ones – so maybe the Norwegian men are not so wrong – and you fantasize. God, how you fantasize! You are on the verge of becoming a Kundalini master. You’re plugged into something higher than yourself. No, in fact, you don’t have a self anymore. And yet. While I want to think that in Norway not even if you’re crazy does it matter – nothing matters when you’re not yourself anymore – you know what the answer to this question is, even as your self becomes another(‘s): Norway, why are you with me, in me? – Because I love you, and because you love me.


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