For Senator Pat Geary

The Godfather has heard that I’m good at staging plays. So he calls me up. He wants the exchanges between the Senator and Michael to be pepped up. “Me,” I ask? "Ok, no problem." After all, I have been in Marthaler’s school, and I paid attention, so I hurry to offer an instant solution. You can’t be kidding with the MOB. “Here’s what we do,” I say. “We have to have these guys end their quarrel on a friendly note. We need to think especially of the senator.” Vito Corleone says in the background: “make him an offer he can’t refuse.” LOL. “That’s right” I say, “so where were we?” “Yes, we start with the senator, as he is baffled.” WTF? So he says: "I'm a blunt man, and I intend to speak very frankly to you, perhaps more frankly than any has ever done before". OMG, this sounds ominous, but Michael knows what he is doing. He says: “Senator? You can have my answer now, if you like. My final offer is this: nothing. Not even the fee for the gaming license, which I would appreciate if you would put up personally." I direct: “good tone, Michael, but try to be more suggestive of your belonging, you know, show that you are a real MOT. I glance at the Godfather and he is restless. He yells: “F a duck! Does this have anything to do with that Modal Operator T? We don’t want any logic here. We want emotion.” SBJ, now I’m really afraid. But a genuine MOT comes to my rescue. Hyman Roth intervenes: "What I am saying is, we have now what we have always needed, real partnership with the government.” S.S.X. The Godfather is pleased with the new play. “So the name won’t be tainted? Can we dedicate all these guns to ourselves?” "Yes," I say. "No water pistols. Promise. Real guns to shoot the audience with. ¨¨¨X it up!" Long Live Xerocracy!


Bent said…
PS in a quiet, philosophical moment...
Michael Corleone: I don't feel I have to wipe everybody out, Tom. Just my enemies.
Tom Hagen: It would be like trying to kill the President; there's no way we can get to him.
Michael Corleone: Tom, you know you surprise me. If anything in this life is certain - if history has taught us anything - it's that you can kill anybody