Today I’m feeling generous, but also quite humble. As I keep getting positive feedback on my essay in the collection put together by professor Todd Landman under the titleThe Magiculum (available on all amazon channels), I’ve decided to make my contribution available online, as as pdf for free.
Some of the comments I’ve received pertain to what others have identified as a need among the practitioners of the magical arts to move effortlessly between the various magical realms. It has been a humbling experience for me to have my essay so highly appreciated precisely for that, as I didn’t think that I was doing anything special when I addressed Landman’s 5 questions about my ways of criss-crossing the hedge.
So here is a link to my essay: The Arts of the Night: Circumventing the Sign that talks about magic, cartomancy, necromancy, shamanism, ethics, and power.
Enjoy! And read more of the book, if you think this appeals to you.
Thanks for sharing, Camelia!